8. Leaving without him

किसी के दिल में बस के दिल को तड़पाना नहीं अच्छा,

निगाहों को छलकते देख के छुप जाना नहीं अच्छा उम्मीदों के खिले गुलशन को झुलसाना नहीं अच्छा हमें तुम बिन कोई जचता नहीं हम क्या करें

तुम्हीं कह दो अब ऐ जानेवफ़ा हम क्या करें

Author's POV.

Rajeev was standing in aangan waiting for his sister to come out with her things.

She was informed by Sunaina that her mother-in-law had permitted her to visit her home along with her brother but to return back within a week.

She had packed the things, but she was waiting. Waiting for her husband to atleast visit her once before leaving.

But he was no at home.

"Come out, Priya. Your brother is waiting since so long," she heard Sunaina's voice.

She didn't knew what to do. Her heart was breaking.

With slow steps, she moved towards the chair and picked up one of his used- shawl from the chair. Keeping it along with her things, she walked outside.

Rajeev came forward and took her things from her hands.

She went towards Surekha and touched her feet.

"God bless you with a son. Return back before Sunaina leaves for her in-laws."

She nodded her head.

She touched the feet of Sunaina and Sunaina hugged her in reply.

She finally made her way towards the main gate, with a heavy heart.

She sat on the bullock cart with the help of her brother.

She felt her house leaving far away with time. Tears rolled down from her eyes. She should be happy that she was going to her parents, but she wasn't. She wanted to see him atleast once.

But her vision blurred with the tears.


Reaching her house, by early night, she got off from the cart with her brother's support. Her mother came forward and she touched her feet.

"Stay blessed beta."

She moved towards her father and he blessed her the same.

"Beta, where's damad ji?".

Her father asked.

She replied timidly,

"He had work."

He nodded his head and asked,

"He'll come to pick you up na?".

She didn't knew, still she nodded her head.

"Come inside," her mother said and they moved inside the home.

They had their dinner together and Priya went towards her room to have a peaceful sleep.

Which was nothing like peaceful.

She wanted to sleep in his arms like the past two days.

She wanted his care.

She wanted his warmth.

She kept on changing her positions, nothing helped.

On the other hand,

Abhigyan, who forced her to leave, who didn't even came to see her once, was drinking his lungs out, out of guilt.

He shouldn't have talked with her in that tone.

He shouldn't have left her go alone.

He wanted to go in her arms.

He wanted to hug her.

Neither of them were able to sleep in their respective places.


Next day, she woke up early and got ready in fresh clothes.

She helped her bhabhi in preparing breakfast and also played with little Anil.

They had breakfast together and after breakfast, Bhavna busied herself in preparing lunch while Priya sat along with her mother to have chit-chats.

"Damad-ji kaise hai?."

Her mother enquired.

Priya cleared her throat and replied,

"Ache hai."

"Maante hai tumhe, yaa gusse Wale hai?."

She nodded her head timidly and replied,

"Maante hai."

Her mother, while looking away asked her another question,

"Toh aaye kyu nahi tumhare saath?".

She gulped. Her heart raced.

"He had work."

Ahilya nodded her head and replied,

"Let's see, whether he'll come to pick you up or not."

After a pause her mother asked again,

"And how is your mother-in-law?".

Priya remembered the incident that took place on her first rasoi, still she replied,

"She is good. Sweet."

"Good to know that my daughter got a good family."

Ahilya spoke and Priya smiled gently.


It was night, when Bhavna came inside Priya's room after everyone had slept to have gossips with her.

She laid on bed beside her along with Anil who was sucking her nipples.

The sight took her back to that night, when her husband was sucking her nipples just like a small kid.

"So, when am I becoming mami?".

Bhavna's question hit her.

She knew her bhabhi would answer her every question without thinking twice, she wanted to clear her doubts with her.

She was very open with Bhavna, she was like a sister to her, elder sister, more like a friend.

She hesitated and asked in a low voice,

"I wanted to ask you something bhabhi."

Bhavna nodded her head, "Anything."

Priya inhaled deeply and collected her courage together.

"Bhabhi, how are.. babies produced?".

Bhavna widened her eyes. Out of shock.

"No one told you?".

She shook her head, timidly.

Bhavna cupped her cheek, "Oh my dear Priya."

"Tell me na bhabhi, please. It's-" she gulped, "it's creating tension in my house."

Bhavna was shocked. This topic was creating tension. In her house.

She asked immediately,

"Is damad-ji forcing you?".

Priya shook her head instantly, "No, he is good."

"Then who? Anyone behaved badly with you. Tell me. I'll tell to your bhaiya."

Priya shook her head, "Don't tell it to bhaiya, bhabhi. Please."

Bhavna calmed her down and spoke in a soft voice,

"Tell me what happened? Exactly. Word by word."

Priya inhaled deeply, calmed her mind down and slowly narrated the entire incident that took place on that morning.


Bhavna listened to her every word.

And spoke,

"It's wrong. Completely wrong. She shouldn't have invaded the privacy of you both. No one did that to me."

Priya gulped, her eyes moisteneing.

Bhavna wiped her tears off and muttered,

"Abhigyan ji is supportive, right?".

Priya nodded.

"Then listen to him, follow what he says. I'm sure he'll never leave your side."

She stayed silent.

"And about .. how babies are .. produced .. Priya.. you have to surrender yourself to your husband. Completely. Your soul, your body, everything."

She thinned her brows.

"See, Priya. I'll just tell you this much that your husband, whom I'm sure by your words that you're falling for, give him every right upon your body too."

She paused and then spoke again.

"Let him touch wherever he wants," Bhavna closed her eyes loosely and spoke, "Even your private areas too."

Priya's eyes widened.

"There too?".

Bhavna opened her eyes and nodded her head, "Every part of your body belongs to him. Let him do whatever he wants. Don't stop him. Yes, if you feel something weird, down there, which I'm sure you'll feel, share it with him."

Priya nodded her head timidly.

That's why he said that day that he has right to see me there.


Will it not feel awkward?

Her bhabhi's voice caught her attention again,

"It will give you a slight pain, but you'll feel pleasured equally. Give him every right upon your body. Hn?".

Priya asked awkwardly,

"Does.. bhaiya..I mean ..you too-",

Bhavna cut her off and spoke,

"Firstly, don't share your bedroom talks with anyone. Anyone. It'll be just between you two. Whatever he does to you inside the bedroom, let it stay just between you two. And yes, I have also surrendered my body to your bhaiya too, I love him and his body too, belongs to only me."

Priya's heart fluttered.

It means his body will also belongs to only her.

But right now he is angry. How will she pacify him.

"Bhabhi, what do you do when Bhaiya gets angry from you?".

Bhavna laughed.

"Is your husband angry with you?".

Priya bit her lower lip and nodded silently.

"Kiss him when you meet him with a tight hug. He will melt down immediately."

She nodded her head, "Thank you bhabhi."

Bhavna noticed her slightly swollen eyes and asked,

"Are you unwell?".

She shook her head and replied,

"Just a little cold. It'll heal by morning."

Bhavna nodded her head. Anil had slept. She hooked her blouse and moved out of the room along with little bundle of joy, leaving Priya behind alone in room.

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I belong from a lower middle class family, and being a student, I'm struggling hard for making my life. Therefore, I'm here to make some money and improve mine and my family's lifestyle through my only passion, WRITING. Hope you all will understand, like my work, and help me. Thank you ! 💗

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